


<p>Have you never felt the desire of living in a dream forever? So, if you already had this wish, I will talk more about this question.</p>
<p>The dreams are made in our mind when we are sleeping or when we are bored, but can we have a dream even we aren&acute;t sleeping?</p>
<p>No!&nbsp; We can save dreams even being awake!</p>
<p>This situation happens because our subconscious needs a break of ideas and scream for just one minute of peace.</p>
<p>But if this behavior to becomes an addiction, it really is a problem.</p>
<p>You should make a checkup of your thoughts and fighting for your life doesn&rsquo;t become harmed.</p>
<p>I think that I can give some hints for helping in this situation:</p>
<p>&bull; You can start creating a routine where your mind can&rsquo;t get tired or overloaded.</p>
<p>&bull; Practice some activities of your interest.</p>
<p>&bull; Starting seeing surround you and to appreciate the little details.</p>
<p>&bull; Make your best for don&acute;t lose your attention and start dreaming awake again. (You can say &ldquo;I don&acute;t give up&rdquo;, &ldquo;I&acute;m a winner!&rdquo;)</p>
<p>My hint is giving to your brain other activities that make your attention gives your best.</p>
<p>&bull; You need to trust in your potential and make ever your best all the time, but never give more than you can at the moment.</p>
<p>You need to try being your best version and remember: when you dream, you have the capacity to make all around you change for better or for worse.</p>
<p><strong>Gabriela Janu&aacute;rio - Advanced student</strong></p>

Publicado em: 06/Oct/2021 - 17:17:52

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