The Childhood changed like the music

The Childhood changed like the music

Article: The Childhood changed like the music

When you ask your parents or your grandparents how was their childhood they will answer a beautiful story with a lot of adventure, fun and unique things, but when you ask for some children how it’s going their childhood they probably will answer something like:" I play video games, I watch TV and I go to school. It sounds repetitive and something without the magic of being a child.

It's like the older musics, the music of 50 years ago has a lot of authencity and certain magic behind their information, the old music has something unique, like the childhood of our grandparents. But when you start to think about the music nowadays they just sounds like the same, without authencity and magic, just something we have listened before, like the recently childhood, they just seem the same to me, without the magical stories.

We need to change that, we need to give our children the magic, cause we took that from them, we give cellphones, tablets, computers for people who don't need this and when I'm talking about people who don't need this I'm talking about our dear and beautiful children!

Filipe Melo Ramos – Intermediate Student

Publicado em: 11/Dec/2024 - 08:34:50

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