Conspiration Theories

Conspiration Theories

Conspiration Theories

Have you ever heard about conspiration theories?

Probably yes! Maybe about we have been living in a matrix, like in the movie, or about aliens (this for sure you did!). Well, let me tell you: conspiration theories have always been part of the world, of the human history. I think it's a tiny part of ourselves, of the fear of the unknown. Everyone's afraid of the unknown, it doesn't matter how much you deny it.

Anyway, conspiration theories are stories that people create to prescribe what they don't know, much like the miths. But the theories vary and there are many theories about one single thing, person or object. The most famous one is about aliens. It says that secretly we are been commanded by aliens, the reptilians. They (according to the theory) would be a more advanced race of reptilian-humanoids (like that guy from mortal kombat) who would live in another planet and would've come to Earth to control us and take our water. There are many videos on internet about supposedly apparitions of'em.

Another conspirational theory that is pretty popular too is about the Bermuda Triangle, a place that is in the northern Atlantic Ocean, between Puerto Rico, Florida and Bermuda. It's an imaginary triangle that sank many ships and swallowed airplanes. Personally I like some of these theories, they give a mysterious air to unknown places and things, and this is very cool
It's not that I believe it, but these theories are really interesting. You see, we don't know so much about our own planet, the space then...we don't know, It may seem crazy but who knows?... We, for sure don't!

BEWARE! You can be titled as "Crazy" If you talk about this stuff to anyone, so make sure you really know the person know your thoughts before telling him/her, or you can prepare your ears.

True or not, it's something interesting, at least for me. And remember: Prepare your ears if you tell someone about it.

Gabriela Caroline Gonçalves - Advanced Student

Publicado em: 22/Jan/2025 - 14:58:02

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